REALTOR Code of Ethics 2020C6

19 Nov

Livestream - REALTOR Code of Ethics

Livestream - REALTOR Code of Ethics

Thursday, November 19, 2020 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
3 CE Hours
Virtual Class via Livestream Code of Ethics, Instructor CE, Livestream / Virtual Class

This Livestream class is sponsored by the Hall County Board of REALTORS®

You're Registered!
This class is by LIVESTREAM (video-conference) only. PLEASE NOTE: Registrations after noon on the business day before the date of the class may not receive the ZOOM information and student materials necessary to participate. If this occurs, contact for the Zoom information for this class.

Requirements for participating in a virtual class:

  1. Your device must have a video webcam, microphone, and speakers. (You are required to enable video so that we can monitor attendance.)
  2. You need to set up a free Zoom account ( prior to the class. (Your free 40-minute account will allow you easy access to our ZOOM Classroom account.)
  3. You are expected to attend the entire class session (except during breaks) just as if you were sitting in a classroom.
  4. After the class, you will be emailed electronic affidavit and class evaluation links. To receive CE credit, you must complete both.

A link to participate in the class and student materials will be sent to registered students the business day before the class.

Class Description
This course meets the NAR code of ethics renewal requirement. After completion of this course, you will have a better understanding of due process and code enforcement. You will also understand how to handle complaints. This course includes several case studies in ethics. (This course provides both Real Estate Licensee CE credit and Real Estate Instructor CE credit.)

"Member fee" applies to the Hall County board only.

GREC Policy: If you have taken this course in the last 366 days, you will not receive CE credit. GREC School - Georgia Association of REALTORS. GREC School Number 271.

School Policy:
You must be on time and present for the entire session to receive credit.  

Class format (In-Classroom or Livestream) is a decision of the Class Sponsor and not GAR. 

Virtual Class via Livestream
Virtual Class via Livestream
This class is by LIVESTREAM (video-conference) only.
Please see the Requirements for participating in the Description tab of this class posting.

Map & Directions

Karen Loftus
Karen was born and in raised in NJ, graduated with a degree in secondary education from Mansfield University, and prior to moving to Georgia, was a Probation Officer in an inner city with a caseload of 85 adult males in the projects. More than 30 years ago she moved south and began her real estate career acquiring her Brokers license, Phoenix Award, and Certified Residential Appraiser license along the way. Karen has served on numerous committees for both NAMAR and GAR including as NAMAR President and as a GRI Dean. She has taught pre-license sales and brokers classes, continuing education, cram courses, and appraisal pre-license classes. In addition, she is the most recent author of the textbook: Real Estate Dynamics – A Practical Approach to Licensing. Karen has been honored as the recipient of the Instructor of the Year Award by both GAR and the Georgia Real Estate Educators Association.

Cancellations: Cancellations must be made prior to the start date of the course; otherwise, no refund will be issued. Cancellations must be made prior to the start date of the course; otherwise, no refund will be issued. To cancel your registration, go to and click:

1. "Sign In" and log into the site (top right of page)
2. "My Account" (top right of the page)
3. "View My classes."
4. The specific class "Details" button
5. "Cancel" button and follow prompts. 

GAR reserves the right to cancel/change any course at any time. If a course is canceled, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will receive either a full refund or, if rescheduled, you may transfer to the new date. GAR is not responsible for any out-of-pocket expenses (lodging, airfare, etc.) you may incur when a course is canceled or rescheduled. GREC School Number 271 - Georgia Association of REALTORS

Photography Waiver: Portions of this GAR course may be photographed, or audio/video recorded for various purposes, including reporting, promotion, archival, or sale and distribution. By registering, you agree that GAR and/or anyone acting on their behalf may photograph or record by audio/video your attendance and involvement in any portion of the course. Furthermore, you agree that the GAR may use these photographs and/or recordings without additional approval or permission and without compensation.